Friday, April 30, 2010

Hello again

So, I have been in absentia from the blogosphere these last few months. I've been actively trading, but have focused my time and energy on getting organized and learning as much as I can about various investment tools.

I also got pregnant again and that has required many, many naps.

I've been journaling my trades and how I make them. It's been an amazing tool. I've learned again and again that I need to be patient, and methodical with my stops. I've also learned again and again that acting on emotion, rather than logic, loses me mountains of money. Impulse control is my friend, lol, tho I've found it to be an elusive character trait. I've set up trading rules for myself that I hope will guide me in my trading work moving forward.

This weekend, I'll post some of my LT catalyst plays that I'm holding in my IRA and taxable accounts.

Happy to be back,