Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 17th Portfolio Update and Trade Ideas

Taxable Accounts August MTD +/-: $3,106.68
IRA Account August MTD +/-: 2,807.05

Quickie update: 
I shorted ICAD last week on approval news but only got 1k shares filled of my 5k order at the price I wanted.  I didn't bother to chase it down tho likely should have budged a bit from my price. I sold before EOD Friday to keep cash in my portfolio.  I shed the VVUS shares n my taxable account to keep cash free to buy more AVNR, which I did at 3.06 last week, bringing my average SP down on that position.  I continue to hold VVUS in my IRA.

I had a CPIX order for 6.50 I placed last Friday fire yesterday to my chagrin.  I also had one in my IRA for 6.45 fire.  Good times.  In my taxable account, I bought more at 6.05 and did a fairly large size daytrade today which brought my average SP for the full position in my taxable account to 6.01.  I did part of the ST trade on margin or would've held the shares I bought today longer than a day.   This reminds me of a valuable lesson: always hold cash in reserve for a possible dip in a catalyst play prior to approval date, be it dilution, earnings, downgrade, etc...

I've spent the better part of the last five days attending to the injuries of an overactive toddler and am busy trying to wrap up work before my last day next week (the 25th!) and our move the 26th.  So, I'll try to tweet trades and portfolio updates as I can.

ICAD (+231.97 taxable)
VVUS (-80.05 taxable)

JAZZ (+2807.05 IRA) (+2954.76 taxable)

Taxable account stock positions (w/average SP):
ALXA (2.84)
BIOD (3.63)
CPIX (6.00)- I did a ST trade on this today and lowered my avg SP for remaining shares.
AVNR (3.22)- I added to this position, lowering my avg SP.

I also continue to own ALXA and BIOD options.

IRA stock positions (w/ average SP):
BIOD (3.94)
VVUS (5.30)

CPIX (6.40)

Trade Ideas
I may add a last group of BIOD shares on any dip related to today's dilution news.  I also may do another ST trade of CPIX or buy some additional shares on volatility, tho I anticipate it will rebound and keep rising from this earnings dip fairly quickly.  I'm also watching MNKD for any dip to low 5s to buy an initial position.

1 comment:

  1. Where have you gone?
    I trade at a small Stock Forum and would love it if you came buy to post some of your ideas. If your still around.
