Just got that charting request your asked about IVOB! Unfortunately, I didn't get back on my blog till today so just noticed it! I put mentioned .23 on MSB and that initially seemed a good bet...but with the news today...well, that's another story. I'm not too worried though. The more experiences (both good and bad) will see us all better for it!). BTW, I'm no McMil with the charts but do my best! If you've got a specific question which you need an answer to within a week then PM me instead:)
I'm mama to an amazing toddler, and preggo with my second. I work in the healthcare field, and focus mainly on biopharmaceutical stocks. I understand the language best in this sector. 2/3 of my portfolio is in 3-6 month catalyst plays, the other 1/3 I trade daily-weekly. With my short term trades, I'm more of a mercenary, and will trade any sector that will turn a profit. Sometimes I make money, sometimes I lose it. My goal with this blog is to be transparent with the good, bad and the ugly in my trades. The avatar is something I've used in trading communities since I started seriously trading last year- if you've seen the movie, no explanation necessary:)
I trade according to a researched plan- either I have researched a LT hold or know the nature of a stock/trend that I want to daytrade well enough to make the trade.
I do not invest more than 5% of my total portfolio in any speculative play, including shorts.
I do not invest more than 20% in any one portfolio holding.
I phase in on large plays, and phase out on large plays.
I will stick to 6% stop losses.
I do not retrade stocks I become emotional about!
I will place no more than 3 trades per day. Better to focus on a few stocks than to chase many, in my experience.
I will have no more than 6 positions at a time in either my IRA or taxable account.
I will take profits when I can!
I will realize this is a work in progress, not one of perfection.
Hey M...
ReplyDeleteJust got that charting request your asked about IVOB! Unfortunately, I didn't get back on my blog till today so just noticed it! I put mentioned .23 on MSB and that initially seemed a good bet...but with the news today...well, that's another story. I'm not too worried though. The more experiences (both good and bad) will see us all better for it!). BTW, I'm no McMil with the charts but do my best! If you've got a specific question which you need an answer to within a week then PM me instead:)