Friday, November 27, 2009


Well, all hell is breaking lose in a little patch of sand across the ocean. So I'm sitting today out for buys, tho I may short something. Looking at American finnies to short. Or maybe British or Irish ones.

London Exchange already took a big hit yesterday, and a three hour trading halt to boot, so let's get ready for some rough Black Friday waters.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Portfolio Updates

Sold PARD at 2.30 for 30% gain

Bought TIXC at 1.76, down significantly (almost 50% with no news)

Bought more TIXC at 1.68
Sold partial position of GNVC at $1.05 for 20% gain, GNVC is way up on no news. Has jumped like this 3 times now and I never lock in profit. Decided to do so today.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Portfolio Updates

I have been woefully busy with my actual job and baby girl, so am using my daughter's naptime this morning to shift some energy to my blog.

11/17/09 Trades
BHRT- Bought some at .89 on the rec from a friend. Great company focusing on stem cell and chronic heart failure.

11/16/09 Trades

IVOB- Seems to be showing support even with their dismal financials, press re: their product seems uniformly positive. Am back in at .40, will double down if it retraces to low .30s again.

BNVI- In at .39, will be posting more info about the company, who are about to launch a Phase 3 trial for an herbal menopause candidate meant to compete with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) a formof treatmetn with very high side effects.

PARD- Bought a block of shares at 1.70 on the dump that occurred after disappointing Phase 3 trial results. They have more in thier pipeline and I anticipate a returns to the 2s this week.