I started trading when I was in college when, well, let's just say Dave Matthews was a hot new band! While I am in a completely unrelated field (think orange is to a frappuccino), I've just gotten more hooked with my little hobby as time has gone by. I lucked out with a lot of my early trades and picked well. It didn't hurt that I knew enough to pick solid companies in what was mostly a bull market. As the market tanked last year, I started looking at my trades a lot more closely, as I watched some of my portolio names, that were "too big to fail" actually fail. As a result, I sold every single one of my IRA holdings and have traded the heck out of it to bring it back to it's value and get it earning again (it's up 128% in 09). I've learned by making good choices and bad. I thought I'd start sharing what I'm doing as a point of information and hopefully discussion.
In talking to my girlfriends, I realize there just aren't a lot of smokin' good female role models out there sharing their ideas and experiences in investing or our financial lives. Suze Orman, Ladies in Red, we love ya, but we need more of you! And in general, why aren't we talking about our portfolios or variable vs. term life insurance at the gym/spa/lunchbreak/before the PTA meeting? Whether it's the Cinderella complex or lack of exposure, I think we women could be a lot more empowered in our financial lives. While I am no financial expert, I thought giving some personal voice to the process might help bring some noise to the cause.
Folks with y chromosomes are of course welcome also! After all, you do help us make this crazy world go round;)
1. I'll be posting my portfolio,
2. trading rules (hint: Rules keep us sane and out of the poorhouse if we make a wrong call, which we all make from time to time.)
3. stocks I'm researching with links to the DD (due diligence) that helps inform my decisions,
4. links to other fabulous financial and investment bloggers and e-resources.
Disclaimer: I am not an investment professional. This blog is intended for entertainment and informational purchases.